the musical
of a
Zen master
95 years
emanuel dimas de melo pimenta

Philosophy is a battle, a face-to-face with our intimate and ultimate challenges: the sake of truth and of lie, the morality test, the fire of love, the challenge to survive. In the ring, two heavyweight of thought: Socrates, the inventor of a Western and uprooting wisdom (…) Heidegger, philosopher and nazi, and paradoxically revered in all universities all over the world, died in his bed. Two ways to exist and to think, two irreconcilable commitments.

André Glucksmann

Hans Joachim Koellreutter was one of the most important masters in the 20th century. Luigi Nono and Tom Jobim were two among his many students. His teachings unchained true aesthetic revolutions.

Koellreutter - the musical revolutions of a Zen master is a book by Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta. Click here, or on the photo, to buy the book. It includes two annotated courses.