Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta

extensive index
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Chapter 1 - The Best for Himself and the Group
- Theory of Games
- Aesthetics
- Neuroplasticity
- Grasshoppers
- Neurotransmitters, Serotonin and Dopamine
- Blocking the Prefrontal
- Corruption: its Nature and its Authors
- John Nash

Chapter 2 - Technological Internalization
- Prefrontal
- The Importation of the Phoenician Phonetic Alphabet
- Rule of Law
- Right to be Forgotten
- The Transformation of Time
- Dopamine and Prefrontal
- The Reading of the Text
- Eye Working
- Hot and Cool Media
- A New Middle Ages
- Electronic World and Functional Illiteracy
- Positive and Negative Freedom
- Behaviorism
- Mirror-Neurons
- The Sense of Divinity
- Drugs and War
- Drugs and Society
- Absence of Thought
- Charles Sanders Peirce, Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf

Chapter 3 - New Standard of Civilization
- Democracy
- Computers and Hitler
- Bytes e Memex
- Singularity
- Brain Defunctionalization
- Acoustic Universe, Writing, Electronics and Democracy
- Left and Right
- Privacy
- Arab Spring and Cyberwar
- Frauds in Communication
- Censorship
- Control and Surveillance
- Ubiquity and Smart Dust
- Freedom, Information and Control
- TPP and TTIP

Chapter 4 - The World We Create
- War
- Cyberwar and Netwar
- Cybersurveillance
- Self-Surveillance, Informers and Preventive Operations
- Cyberattacks
- Espionage, Couples and Lovers
- Self-espionage and Confession

Chapter 5 - Abstract, Ideal and Disembodied
- Money
- Banks
- Bretton Woods, IMF
- Accounting and Writing
- Accounting and Fraud
- Rich and New-Rich
- Degradation and Transformation in Culture
- Culture, Sports and Entertainment
- GNP Fraud, Gold Fraud
- Attention and Responsibility
- Political Fraud
- The End of Money
- Goldman Sachs
- Impoverishment and Control
- Bitcoins
- The Idea of Progress and All Governments Lie
- Planetary Control

Chapter 6 - The Sign of the Electronic Society
- Bureaucracy
- Confiscation: The End of Taxes
- Keynes
- Inflation Fraud and Fiscal Evasion
- TTIP again
- Keynes, Hayek, Democracy, Crimes of the State
- Bilderberg, Plus Ultra and Deep State
- The Logic of Human Action
- Niels Bohr, Heisenberg and Tele-Causality
- Kafka!
- Hayek and Keynes
- Inheritance Taxes

Chapter 7 - Universal Acid
- Health
- Teleanthropos
- Preventive and Defensive Medicines
- Pharma Companies, Clinical Labs
- Medical Tech
- Big Agro-Industriai Corporations
- Statines, Cholesterol
- Gluten, Antibiotics
- Fats, Sugar and Lactose
- Pollutants in Nanoparticles
- Microplastics

Chapter 8 - Inside the Network-Reality
- Dematerialization of the I
- The Metamorphosis of the Truth
- The Augmented Reality of Real-Time
- The Transformation of Death
- Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinae
- Migration and Integration
- The Transformation of Clothing
- Solitude
- Operational Researches, Kanban and Kaizen
- Big Data: Weapons of Math Destruction

Chapter 9 - I, Robot!
- Aristotle, Leonardo and Vaucanson
- Robots and the Threat to Employment
- Sexbots
- Robofilia
- Atrahasis
- Golem, Frankenstein and the Phoenix Threshold: Singularity
- Robots Paying Taxes
- Robots and Education
- Uber and Airbnb
- Robotic Medicine
- Robotic Cuisine
- The End of Calligraphy
- Drones, Murders and the End of War
- Robotic Nature

Chapter 10 - Immobilized without Senses
- Citizenship
- Bilderberg Again
- State Murders
- Human Stupidification
- The End of Reading

Capitulo 11 - The Phantom of Liberty
- Left and Right: A Religious Issue
- Laissez-faire
- The Price of Politics
- The Disguised End of the Middle Class
- Functional Illiteracy
- Corrupt Politicians against Democracy
- Fraud in Ballot Boxes
- Direct Democracy
- False Deregulations - Authorized Crimes
- Demographic War
- Shock of Civilizations: Sharia vs Rule of Law

Chapter 12 - Continuous Metamorphosis
- A Low Power Society
- The Question of Isonomy in the Electronic World
- The End of Fashion
- Sports Substituting Culture
- George Orwell
- Governments, Corruption and Terrorism
- Informers, Control and Surveillance: the Sovietization of the World
- The Fraud of Image and Voice: F for Fraud
- A History of Technological Leap
- The Favelization of the World
- The True Sense of the Shock of Civilizations
- The End of Family and the Beginning of a New Aesthetics
- The End of History (different of Hegel and Fukuyama, and before the latter)
- The New Pareto Rule and the New Dunbar Number
- A New Artificial Crowd - Virtual This Time
- The Sixth Extinction
- Children, Teenagers and the Electronic World
- Games
- A New Renaissance?