Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta

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ALBRECHT, Katherine; MCINTYRE, Liz - Spychips, How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID. Tomas Nelson, 2005.
ANDREJEVIC, Mark - iSpy, Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era. University Press of Kansas. 2007.
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ASCOTT, Roy - Engineering Nature, Art and Consciousness in the Post-Biological Era, Intellect, Bristol, 2006.
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ATTALI, Jacques - Karl Marx ou l'Esprit du Monde, Fayard, Paris, 2005.

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BERGE, Ann F. la - How the Ideology of Low Fat Conquered America. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Volume 63, Number 2. 2008.
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BLACKBURN, Henry - On the Trail of Heart Attacks in Seven Countries. University of Minnesota, 1993.
BLOOM, Jonathan M. - Paper Before Print, The History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic World, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2001.
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BURCKHARDT, Jacob - The Greeks and Greek Civilization, St. Martin's Press, New York, 1998.

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CHAMAYOU, Grégoire - Théorie du Drone. La Fabrique. Paris, 2013.
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CLAUSEWITZ, Carl Von - On War. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. London. 1908.

DANDEKER, Christopher - Surveillance, Power & Modernity. Polity Press, Cambridge. 1990.
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DUBY, Georges - An 1000 An 2000 Sur les Traces de nos Peurs, Textuel, Paris, 1995.
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EAGLEMAN, David - Incognito, The Secret Lives of the Brain. Vintage. New York, 2012.
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EUBANKS, Virginia - Digital Dead End, Fighting for Social Justice in the Information Age. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussets. 2011.

FENOLLOSA, Ernest F. - Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art, Volumes 1 and 2. Stone Bridge, San Diego. 2009.
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FUSTER, Joaquín - The Neuroscience of Freedom and Creativity, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2013
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GLENNY, Misha - Nemesis, One Man and the Battle for Rio. London. 2015.
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HARRIS, Shane - @War, The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston. 2014.
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HAYDEN, Michael V. - Playing to the Edge, American Intelligence in the Age of Terror. Penguin, New York, 2016.
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KAGAN, Robert - Le Retour de l'Histoire et la Fin des Rêves. Plon, Paris. 2008.
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LORENZ, Konrad - King Solomon's Ring, New Light on Animal Ways. Routledge, London. 1949.
LYON, David - Surveillance Studies, An Overview. Polity, Cambridge. 2007.

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