D E E P O C E A N e m a n u e l d i m a s d e m e l o p i m e n t a c o n c e r t a t 2 0 0 8 F e b r u a r y 6 W e d n e s d a y 6 P M

All sounds used for Deep Ocean were registered in different deep sub aquatic regions of the planet. It is a rare opportunity to make an imaginary trip to the bottom of the seas. But the music score, which determines the composition, was totally created in four dimensions inside virtual reality. One can fly or travel inside the music score (please, see the film). Each figure indicates the shape of the sound after an intense work in laboratory. Their distribution in space designs the structure of the music. Emanuel Pimenta has developed this kind of four-dimensional musical notation inside virtual environments since the end of 1970s. Such strategy permits to change fundamental cognitive aspects in music and permits to project what the composer calls logical traps.

In this page, some fragments of the virtual music score